ResMan Webinars

Strategic Budgeting for 2025: Crafting Your Financial Roadmap

Tuesday, August 13, 2024
noon CT
Join Elizabeth Francisco and her expert panel for a webinar that will help you be strategic in your 2025 budgeting process - including identifying ways to fine-tune your operations and ensure financial stability in another year of continued revenue and cost pressure.

Topic 6 Data-Driven Solutions to Conquer Your Top AP Challenges

July 18, 2024
Did you know that the job outlook for data scientists is predicted to grow 10 times faster than the average occupation by 2032? But you don’t have to be a data scientist to experience the value of data analysis.

Upcoming Webinars

Strategic Budgeting for 2025: Crafting Your Financial Roadmap

Tuesday, August 13, 2024
noon CT
Join Elizabeth Francisco and her expert panel for a webinar that will help you be strategic in your 2025 budgeting process - including identifying ways to fine-tune your operations and ensure financial stability in another year of continued revenue and cost pressure.

Magical Math for Property Management

Tuesday, August 27, 2024
2:00pm CT
This webinar is aimed at empowering property teams by helping them better understand the "math" of our industry - including performance metrics, calculations, common terms, statements, etc. Gaining this understanding will help them communicate better, understand and realize goals and appreciate the true dollar value of their contribution.

On-demand Webinars

Maximizing Multifamily Marketing: How Analytics and Attribution Can Help You Reach Your Marketing Goals

October 25, 2023
If you are a marketing professional navigating the dynamic world of multifamily property websites, we’ll show you the power of using the right tools for your data-driven strategies and supercharge your digital campaigns.

Combat and Prevent Applicant Fraud

September 26, 2023
Applicant fraud is a significant and growing problem in the multifamily industry. Nearly 10% of all financial documents submitted by applicants are fraudulent

Mastering Your 2024 Property Budget

August 31, 2023
This webinar will transform the way you approach budgeting - helping you use the budgeting process as a strategy session to chart a winning course through the challenges that lie ahead. Our expert speakers have successfully navigated four economic downturns, and will provide valuable insights and share practical tips to guide you through how to build budgets the drive results.

ResMania 2023 In Review: The Need to Know for Those Who Couldn't Go

June 20, 2023
We know that work commitments and budget limitations make it hard for everyone to attend ResMania, so we’re offering a ResMania recap webinar to bring the most important content to those who couldn’t attend.

Is Your Website Equipped to Deliver the Leads You Need This Leasing Season?

May 1, 2023
Having a website with the right visuals, information, “hooks”, and tracking capabilities makes a huge difference in the efficiency with which you’re able to generate leads and drive in-person tours, applications, and ultimately leases.

Is Your Renter’s Insurance Program an Armed Fortress or Swiss Cheese?

April 14, 2023
Insurance coverage for residents is a hot topic and continues to increase in importance with the rising costs of property insurance and repairs. There are many options on the market with subtle differences that can lead to unexpected gaps in coverage and out-of-pocket expenses.

On Like Donkey Kong! ResMan’s Spring Affordable Housing Market Update

March 21, 2023
Janel Ganim, ResMan’s SVP of Product & Operations and Rue Fox, ResMan’s Affordable Market Principal share the latest affordable market news and updates from industry events.

5 Lead to Lease Metrics That Will Make or Break Your 2023 Leasing Season

February 27, 2023
As we look at where the multifamily industry and US economy are now compared to this time a year ago, it would be hard to argue that the 2023 Leasing Season is likely to mirror what we saw in 2022.

Multifamily Market Update: Should We Believe the Headlines?

February 3, 2023
Download our on-demand webinar to catch up on all of the multifamily market updates and 2023 predictions...

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