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Centralization 2.0 ft. Jindou Lee

About the Episiode: We sat down with Jindou Lee, CEO and Co-Founder of HappyCo, to discuss how centralization plays a role in more ways than one within multifamily. From sharing about his journey into the multifamily tech space to getting creative in pioneering efficiency for onsite employees, Jindou has incredible “ah-ha!” ideas and insights you’ll want to hear!

Jindou Lee is the CEO and co-founder of HappyCo, a multifamily proptech company that develops software and service solutions to enable real-time property operations. Prior to his current role, Jindou also founded and exited two previous tech companies. Jindou graduated from the University of South Australia with a Bachelor of Visual Communications (Design) and subsequently worked for Midway Games where he led the User Interface team to work on classic titles such as Mortal Kombat, Gauntlet, and Dukes of Hazzard. Besides his love for technology, Jindou is also an avid real estate investor and enjoys spending time with his family.

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